
Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.

Marketing Strategic Consultant Services

Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.

Good Better, best words on paper.

I know you’ve heard similar versions of this quote before, but I like this message best because it inspires me to keep going even when I think I got it right because unless I get it “right” every time there’s always room for improvement. That’s the journey I am currently on:

Pushing though, practicing until I don’t get it wrong, and proving to myself that I can do it.

  • Pushing through – We all know that consistency is key to success. And I am not measuring success just by the bottom line. Anywhere there’s improvement – no matter how small – equates to success. For most of us, we crawled first…and just look at us now! Think about the times in your business when nothing was happening. You couldn’t catch a break, land a deal, or see the fruits of your labor. Is this when you’ve thrown in the towel? Or is this when you kicked it into high gear and kept on going? Entrepreneurs Ryan Mitchell Rios and Mark Atalla believe that “consistency in your efforts leads to self-discipline, teaches you self-control, improves your overall personality, and builds momentum.” If you are consistent in working your plan you will gain a sense of accountability and direction that eventually becomes progress. You may not be able to quantify the progress, but it is there. If you are exhausted, bored, or can’t find the light at the end of the tunnel, call upon someone who can offer you a new/different perspective, someone you trust who can share your efforts with. As a marketing consultant, my focus is to help you find clarity in your business so reach to me.
  • Practicing until you don’t get it wrong – This is probably the hardest for me, and maybe for you as well. I tend to work hard on getting it right – it doesn’t matter how many tries – but once I do I feel like I am done and can move on to the next thing. What I have come to realize is that one right is not enough. Getting it right continually is what will help me remain efficient and make my work more effective. Perhaps you too hold on to that glorious feeling of “Yes, I got it!” but then stop and move on to something else. Instead of just having one “right” let’s challenge ourselves for more rights. Let’s keep getting it right so that it because second nature and so you know without a shadow of a doubt that it’s exactly how it should be.
  • Proving it to yourself – If you have been consistent and have practiced getting it right until you don’t get it wrong then chances are you have had your share of mistakes, setbacks, and failures. Just by sticking it through you have proven to yourself that you are strong enough, smart enough, and resilient enough, but the  most important lesson is knowing it for yourself. Your efforts will yield rewards, and in this case, I am referring to the bottom line. Along with increasing your bottom line are all the improvements happening within you. The things that you can’t see, but feel. This is the time to feel proud. If you have struggled to find your footing, if you aren’t able to figure out where to start let’s talk, or you self-esteem needs a boost let me help you see all the fantastic things you have done and are doing.

If any of this resonated with you, schedule a consultation. I can help you find clarity and focus, offer motivation during the plateaus, and consult you on how to get you on your feet and moving towards achieving your goals.