When was the last time your marketing strategies had a check-up?

Just like we should go to the doctor for annual check-ups, it’s important for you to check in on your marketing strategies to gauge its overall health. Think about a typical “well” visit to your doctor. You are on the examination table feeling fine, but there could be an underlying, non-symptomatic issue brewing underneath that requires further testing. That’s why these yearly visits are so important because an illness left unaddressed could lead to problems.
To make sure your marketing efforts are healthy, well, and strong, here’s an exam checklist to complete:
1. Are your strategies consistent?
Consistency is key when it comes to marketing. It helps build trust and supports your brand. You know what it feels like when you walk into your neighborhood grocery store, and you know exactly what aisle and shelf your favorite item is on. That’s the same feeling you want your strategies to do for your audience. You want your audience to know that they can rely on what you say and promise every time. You want them to know they can trust you and your product or service because it remains constant. This holds true for the messages you deliver. Whether its via your social media platforms, email communication, the content on your website, or even the words your employees use during their face-to-face with customers, consistency with your messaging will creates unity across all your channels and builds customer loyalty. Scan all the places you are messaging your customers, if the messages are consistent, give yourself a lollipop!
2. Are your strategies diverse?
Once you you have determined that your messaging is healthy, let’s take an assessment of your marketing tactics to see how diverse they are. If you’ve been relying too much on one tactic you may have limited the potential for your reach, which also puts you at risk of losing your audience’s interest. You want your strategies to cover a mix of channels both digital and offline. You can diversify your tactics using social media (which has several platforms to help you engage with your audience), email marketing, paid advertising vs. organic reach, created content like blogs, videos, podcasts, as well as print, networking, and other tangible materials – just to name a few. So, how diverse is your marketing plan? Do you need to resuscitate one or more of the tactics listed above, so that you are well-balanced? Do you need to shelve one that you are overusing? Evaluate the “body” of your marketing strategies so it is whole, complete, and healthy!
3. How healthy are the marketing tactics you are implanting?
- You have a consistent message across all your communication channels – CHECK.
- You have a diverse diet of marketing strategies – CHECK.
Now, it’s time to dive into the wellness of your marketing strategies. Are they healthy, sustainable, adaptable, and aligned with the needs of your audience? If they aren’t, here’s how to diagnose the health of your strategies:
- Are you making decisions based on data? This is the difference between getting blood work done vs. going by “gut” feeling. You should not assume anything when it comes to how your tactics are performing. If you’re not analyzing your campaigns, you’re missing out on opportunities to really optimize. Review your open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Get real feedback from customers. You need to know if your tactics – especially the ones you pay for – are working. If they haven’t been yielding any results, then put them on life support until the appropriate time!
- Can your tactics shift when necessary? Mobility in the body is critical for balance and helps prevent falls and other injuries. Just like being flexible enough to touch your toes, your tactics need to be pliable because the marketing world is ever-changing. Challenges and trends pop up frequently. You need to be open and able to change and adjust if a tactic isn’t working. A healthy marketing plan is flexible. Is yours?
- Are your customers the focus of your strategies? Today’s consumers are savvy, they know when it’s not about them and it’s all about you and your bottom line. Here’s a test to determine if you really know who your customer is.
- Are you putting them first?
- Are you providing them with value?
- Are you engaging with them authentically?
- Is your focus on making a sale or closing a deal?
Hopefully, your priority is to have a genuine relationship with your audience. If you feel like this is an area of weakness, then begin building a habit where you connect with them. You can do this with a monthly email, a phone call, or give them a coupon or discount – just show some appreciation for their repeated business and loyalty! If you feel confident you have more than a transactional relationship with your audience, here’s to a clean bill of health!
Monitor the health of your marketing plan annually even if it’s looking and feeling great. If you are proactive and have regular check-ups you won’t need to a prescription to remedy a bigger problem later.
Stay healthy!