

Marketing Strategic Consultant Services

Pausing your marketing plan so you can navigate through the noise!

What do you do when there’s too much online and advertising messages to compete with? You pause your plan. Here are tips to help you NOT work you strategies!

Are your photos making the right first impression?

You’ve heard it a million times, “a picture paints a thousand words.” While it’s a familiar expression you probably don’t know who said it and why. The genius behind this saying goes to newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane. In a 1911 newspaper article, Brisbane encouraged readers to use images to tell a story because an image…
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Marketing non-profits isn’t [exactly] the same as marketing for profit here’s why…

Just like a typical business, a non-profit will need to market/promote/sell themselves. In general, marketing a non-profit follows the same protocols as marketing for a commercial business with a few nuances specific to the non-profit world

Entrepreneurial tips for your business

According to Abha Bhattarai’s Washington Post article – American entrepreneurship is on the rise – dated September 14, 2023, “applications for new businesses spiked to an all-time high in July 2020, when more than 550,000 Americans filed paperwork to start their own companies, census data shows.” While this is great news for those who want…
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Ready to deepen your customer relations? Incorporate a CRM system.

When you want to show your amazing clients that you appreciate their business you may send them a personalized thank-you note or offer them a discount on their next order. On special occasions you may even send a box of chocolates. Whatever tactics you have used or use to acknowledge your gratitude, your actions help…
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Clock and timer indicating patience

Practice patience…a little goes a long way!

One of the hardest things to do both personally and professionally is to be patient. To hold the line before sprinting off. To wait. You may have been in situations where you felt that if you didn’t immediately react you would miss out on a big opportunity and be left with the feeling that your…
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Make cutting ad dollars your New Year’s resolution!

Get started on the right foot this year by cutting your advertising spending!.  

Best way to achieve your goals…stay focused!

When it comes to marketing your business how many of your friends, family, even strangers offer you unsolicited advice on what you should do to get noticed? There may be a few good ideas in there, but unfortunately, they don’t know your business’ entire story. While it’s important to get feedback, that is for another…
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Your success is our goal

Is it time to hire a marketing consultant?

If you are ready for a professional, honest examination of your business – to help you get to the next level – consider hiring a marketing consultant.
Here’s a quick lesson on what is a marketing consultant, why hiring one is good for your business, and what qualities to look for when hiring one.

Back to Basics – Communication 101

If it’s been a while since you spent time with your staff in person or you haven’t had quality one-on-one time with a client, and you are feeling a little rusty getting the flow of communication going here are some tips.

Artificial Intelligenfe

Using AI? Be Responsible!

There’s been a lot of talk about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) recently especially its influence in the medical, banking/finance, and transportation sectors, but I want to focus on what AI means to marketing your business or service and, when used responsibly, how it can enhance your marketing efforts. In marketing, generative AI is…
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Different color hands holding a light bulb illustrates ideas coming together

Collaboration makes working together even better!

When I left Corporate America in 2019 to start my own marketing consulting firm I knew, despite my extensive experience, that there would be new things to learn, new experiences to explore, and new challenges. But, after two decades working in large organizations where I had access to resources, staff, and cash flow, I realized…
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Person balancing on scale holding a large coin in one hand and a small coin in the other.

There are other ways to make money without spending it!

I recently came across Haje Jan Kemps’ For startups, ‘we haven’t spent a penny on marketing’ isn’t always a good thing (blog),February 10, 2023, and all I could do was shake my head in disagreement.

Good Better, best words on paper.

Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.

I know you’ve heard similar versions of this quote before, but I like this message best because it inspires me to keep going even when I think I got it right because unless I get it “right” every time there’s always room for improvement.

Want better outcomes? Collaborate!

Collaborating is not a new concept, and it doesn’t stop at work. It’s an important tool to access in areas outside work.

Marketing Consulting - digital Marketing Consulting

Is hiring an Advertising Agency right for your business?

You make decisions all day, every day. Some of those decisions come quickly while others have you tossing and turning all night. One of the decisions your business may be facing right now is: Are ready to hire an Advertising Agency or a Marketing Consultant? There is value and benefit in both of these options.…
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Strategist working on a computer

Work smarter. Hire a marketing consultant!

Up until now, your job has been to focus on the meat and potatoes of your organization. The thing is that’s only part of it. The other part – bringing new ideas to life, cleaning up your marketing strategy mess, understanding the data that comes from your online reputation, and maximizing your resources – is the other half. And allowing a marketing consultant – like myself – to handle, address and execute that half can help you achieve whatever realistic goal you set.

Virtual Private Servers in a line

Three reasons why your website host needs to move you to a Virtual Private Server (VPS).

While working with one of my clients recently, I discovered that his website was being hosted on a shared server with 37 other websites on it. Whoa, that’s a lot of websites! My unsuspecting client was trusting that his website was being hosted in a reliable, fast and secure spot, but that wasn’t the case.…
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Computer with email icon screen

What’s the best way to communicate with customers?

Through EMAIL MARKETING! Building your business’ digital marketing plan may feel as daunting as learning Tamil (the world’s oldest language), or trying to understand today’s ‘new math,’ but it doesn’t have to be (especially when I am here to help!) Every day that you aren’t implementing a digital media tactic into your marketing plan your…
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